Number of employees
Associate principal researcher, 1 person
Research field
(1)Research field:
Research and development for improving nuclear safety
(2)Research theme
Research and development for improving nuclear safety
Experimental research of microscopic evaluation of irradiation effects on nuclear material properties
Cladding and structural materials used in nuclear power plants deteriorate due to neutron irradiation and other severe environments. Our group, Nuclear Science and Engineering Center, Nuclear Science Research Institute, engages in developing the evaluation and prediction methods for materials behavior used in order to improve the safety nuclear systems.
We aim to clarify the fundamental properties and the mechanisms of deterioration of structural materials under various environments of nuclear systems.
This theme focuses on experimental studies to elucidate the mechanisms of neutron irradiation-induced changes in strength properties and degradation of accident-tolerant fuel claddings and structural materials used in nuclear power systems. In particular, recipient will focus on the relationship between the mechanical properties of metallic materials and vacancies, and will lead microscopic evaluations by positron annihilation spectrometry, and will also utilize computational methods to advance nuclear materials research.
Center assigned to
Nuclear Science and Engineering Center,
Nuclear Science Research Institute,
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Place of employment
Nuclear Science and Engineering Center,
Japan Atomic Energy Agency,
2-4 Shirakata, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan
Qualification requirements
(1) Having a Ph D. degree in the field related to the research theme
(2) Authorship of at least three peer reviewed, lead-authored papers
(3) The candidate should have knowledge and experience in positron annihilation spectrometry with respect to the study of strength and dislocations in metallic materials, as well as experience in the evaluation of defects using computational science methods such as first-principles calculations.
Terms of employment
(1) Holidays
Saturday, Sunday, National holiday, Year-end holiday, Paid holiday, etc.
(2) Social insurance
Health insurance, Welfare pension insurance, Employee’s pension fund, Unemployment insurance, Workers accident compensation insurance ,etc.
(3) Working hours
(4) Salary (For example)
-Starting salary (Dr’s Degree): 261,300yen/month (Result in April, 2023)
-Allowance : Commutation allowance, Family allowance, House allowance , Research allowance, etc.
-Pay raise : Once per year.(Performance for last year)
-Bonus : Twice per year. (Performance for last year)
Necessary documents and application procedures
(1) Curriculum vitae
(Application form 1-1 : PDF, WORD)
(Application form 1-2 : PDF, WORD)
(2) Certificates of completion courses (for Bachelor, Master, PhD, respectively)
(3) University’s transcript (for Bachelor, Master, PhD, respectively)
(4) Certificate of PhD Degree or Certificate of Graduation PhD
(5) Research career history (with A4 free format)
(6) List of publications in which your name is underlined, and Copies of major papers
(7) Research Plan (idea and ambition on research activity with A4 free format about 1000 words)
(8) Consent for the Treatment of Personal Data* (PDF, WORD)
*Residents only in any one of EEA member countries, namely a member country of the EU, and Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and the United Kingdom are requested to submit this form.
Application Method and Address for Submission
› Please apply from 【Web application】of Job posting search on JREC-IN【Data number: D124100402】
【Points to Note for Web Application】
(1) All application forms should be in PDF format and be organized in one ZIP file.
(2) Name of the ZIP file should be ≪AppRecForNSEC_(Applicant’s name)≫
(3) Before handing in, make sure that the file size is under 20MB. A compressed file can’t be accepted.
(4) Do not set any password for files you hand in.
(5) After your submission through JREC-IN, we will check your application documents if they are acceptable or not. After that, your application status on JREC-IN will be changed to “Accepted” or “Non-acceptance”. When your status is changed, you will receive an E-mail notification about the change from JREC-IN automatically. The E-mail would not be sent as soon as you hand in, so please check your acceptance status after you get an E-mail notification.
(6) If there are any faults as for documents, for example list of achievements is not attached, your application will not be accepted. Also, if any of the said elements is lacking, for example subject of ZIP file is missing, your application is treated as non-acceptance.
Deadline for submission of application
Closed at 17:00 on November 15, 2024 (Japan Standard Time)
Document examination
Examinees will be decided based on the review of application documents. Review result will be informed by a letter. Application documents will not be returned.
Recruitment examination
(1) Examination of research achievement
(Oral presentation using PowerPoint file and Q&A)
(2) Oral examination/Interview
Date of recruitment examination (planned)
December, 2024
Place for Recruitment Examination (planned)
Nuclear Science Research Institute,
Japan Atomic Energy Agency,
2-4 Shirane Shirakata, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan
*Depending on the situation, we may conduct a recruitment test on the Web. For details, we will contact those who have passed the document screening by email.
Result of Recruitment Examination
The result will be announced by a letter after the recruitment examination.
Date of appointment
Soon after April 1, 2025
Travel Expenses
We will pay travel expenses for the recruitment examination according to the JAEA’s provision.
Detailed information will be provided the candidates. (Only who passes Examination of research achievement paid travel expenses)
Human Resources Development Department,
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
TEL: +81-29 - 282 - 5726 FAX: +81-29 - 282 - 5819
E-Mail: jinji-saiyogenkaken11* (Replace * with @)
(Reference related to the recruitment field)
Dr. Nariaki Okubo
Nuclear Science and Engineering Center,
Nuclear Science Research Institute,
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
TEL: +81-29-284-6212 FAX: +81-29-284-6716
E-Mail: jinji-saiyogenkaken11* (Replace * with @)
Points to note
(1) Applicants who pass the recruitment examination are supposed to submit documents below.
1) Medical certification
2) The original of Graduation Certificates (for Bachelor, Master and PhD)
3) The original of Degree Certificates of PhD
*Please submit 2) and 3) only to those who applied by E-mail.
(2) Candidates without Japanese nationality are required to have the certificate of eligibility by the date of adoption in order to obtain a work permit in Japan.
Treatment of Personal Information
Submitted personal information will be used for recruitment. Personal information of employee will be used for employment control. Other personal information will be scrapped 1 year later.
The Organization promotes gender equality and welcomes applications from women.