WORTH-10 will be held on November 26 (Sun) - 29(Wed), 2023 in Korea

作者: 时间:2023-07-26 点击数:

Korea and China, among others, have rapidly developing nuclear programs, and are recognized as outstanding nuclear counties. Despite their geographic proximity, however, cooperative efforts between the two countries have not been actively pursued. In 2001, the Joint Committee on Nuclear Energy (JCNE) between the Korean Government (MEST) and the Chinese government (CAEA) was launched. A series of joint workshops in the nuclear thermal-hydraulic field were agreed with the intention of facilitating the cooperation activities between KAERI and NPIC, and XJTU who joined later on. Separately, another cooperation activity has been in progress between KINS and CIAE under the JCNE umbrella agreement. The objectives of the WORTH workshop are to bring together researchers, regulators, and designers from industries, laboratories and academia, active in the area of nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics as well as in the field of severe accident, to present the state-of the-art technologies, to exchange their expertise and experiences, and to further stimulate their research activities. Since 2006, the thermal-hydraulic committees of both the CNS and the KNS have expressed a deep interest in the workshop and they have agreed to support this series of joint workshops. The official language of the work shop is English.

WORTH-10 invites paper submissions to share the latest cutting-edge research in the field of Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulic.The theme of the WORTH-10 is Challenges in Thermal-Hydraulics for SMRs.

More information can be found at the click of the link

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