
作者: 时间:2021-02-11 点击数:


Top Twelve News of 2020 at DNET

1. 不忘初心,教师党员下沉到社区支持抗疫

CPC faculty members volunteer to perform community services during the outbreak of COVID-19

2. 疫情期间国家虚拟仿真实验一流课程助力线上教学

Online teaching supported by the state virtual reality experiment first class course  during COVID-19

3. 获批青年基金等各类项目,科研经费创新高

Research funds hit a new high including various projects such as NSFC Youth Fund

4. 发表中英文科技论文近30篇,包括封面文章、高影响力期刊论文

Nearly 30 scientific papers published including cover article and papers in high-impact journals

5. 潜心钻研教学改革方法,发表多篇教研论文

Efforts devoted to teaching innovation and several teaching-related papers published

6. 获中西部核学会联合体2020年学术年会“优秀论文奖”

Awarded as "Excellent Paper" on 2020 Academic Annual Conference of Nuclear Society Consortium of Central and Western China

7. 周夏峰老师获2020年度华中科技大学教学竞赛一等奖

Prof. Zhou Xiafeng won the first level prize in 2020 Faculty Teaching Competition of HUST

8. 与方圆环保科技有限公司签约校外实习基地并颁发企业奖学金

A joint Practice Base was established with the HBFYHB Co.,Ltd. And the enterprise scholarship awarded to students

9. “后墙不倒”,师生齐心合力完成“十三五”项目验收

Key projects within 13th Five-year Plan (2016-2020) completed by the concerted efforts of faculty and students


Prof. Zhou Xiafeng's academic Monograph was published by Tsinghua University Press


Prof. Yang Zhangcan won "2020 Teacher's Ethics Award" of the School of Energy and Power Engineering


Outstanding young scholars from Cambridge, Tokyo and Illinois State University attended the HUST East Lake Forum 2020

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